For General Practitioners

GP Referrals

Referrals can be sent via Fax, email or through medical objects.

If an urgent referral is required please contact our Practice Manager.

Download Direct Access Referrals forms for :

GP Referrals for Gastroenterologist

Forms for GP’s to print and supply to their patients

Direct Access Referral

Patient Admission Guide

Patient Registration

Patient Medication Summary

Patient Health Assessment

Patient Declaration & Consent

Open Access Procedures

There is a very strict criteria for Open Access admissions, and a phone triage interview is required, as you will not have a pre-procedure consultation with a Gastroenterologist.

Open Access is designed specifically for patients who require colonscopy or endoscopy for specific reasons as detailed by your GP:

Open Access Procedure for Gastroenterologist


We offer consultation for the following medical problems:

Top 5 Reasons to Refer Your Patients


A brand new, state of the art, licensed Day Surgery and theatre facility


Comprehensive & Experienced team of Gastroenterologists – Southend Gastros


First to market technology from Fuji Film that features scan AI for better imaging

Expert Team

Our experienced & dedicated nursing team and administrative staff.


Self-funding plans for pensioners & health card holders to avoid public waiting lists.

Book an Appointment Today

Our friendly staff is here to guide you through the process and answer any questions you might have.

Contact Us